Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools NFEVSD
Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools NFEVSD
Welcome to the Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools Official Website

Junior High/High School

JHHS 4th Quarter Honor Roll

Click here to see the 4th Quarter Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance awards!

Newton Falls High School Philosophy

Newton Falls Junior High and High School Mission Statement:

The staff of Newton Falls High School firmly believes in the development of the whole child, affording all necessary experiences in the physical, mental, social, and emotional life to enable the child to become a well-adjusted individual in our society.

The staff of Newton Falls High School works diligently to establish a collaborative culture with standards-focused instruction, assessment, and data analysis to improve student achievement. They continuously strive to create/sustain/increase student and parent engagement. Furthermore, it is the focus of our staff to continue to help build a positive culture and climate through Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS), relationship-building, and effective communication.

News and Announcements

New Website

Make sure you've updated your bookmarks and are going to our new website at this link.

JHHS Student Handbook

For information about the Junior High/High School's Code of Conduct, Dress Code, Discipline Procedures, Grading Procedures, Student Use of Technology, Use of Telephones, and more, go to District Code of Character, Conduct, and Support

Student Tardiness to School

Students are required to be at school on time. Students arriving to school tardy will be penalized after their third offense for an unexcused tardy. A student may be suspended when reaching the excessive number of tardiness. All excused tardiness are not penalized.

The Junior High/High School requires that parents provide the school with a written excuse for an early dismissal. Students will take the excuse to the Attendance Office (Junior High Office) when arriving at school and receive a slip to leave school at the appointed time. We ask that parents not arrive and request students be dismissed. It is a disruptive and timely issue for office personnel and teachers. No student will be dismissed during the last thirty minutes of the school day. In an emergency, please make a phone call informing us of your need to have your child dismissed.

Doors Open

The Junior High/High School opens its doors at 7:10 AM. Doors will be opened at 7:00 AM when the weather requires the students to come in from the rain, snow or extreme cold. Students will sit in the Commons-Cafeteria until 7:10 AM. Otherwise, the students will remain on the walkways until the entry bell sounds at 7:10 AM.

Newton Falls Fight Song

Go Newton Falls High
Fight for victory,
With your colors flying
We will cheer you all the time.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Go Newton Falls High
Fight for victory,
Spread far the fame of our fair name.
Go you Tigers! Win that game!


Newton Falls Alma Mater

To Newton Falls we stand and sing,
And praise to alma mater bring.
Ever will our thoughts to thee
Be pledged in love and loyalty.
Friendships true and memories dear
Will live throughout each coming year.
Fellowship within thy halls
Has bound our hearts to Newton Falls

Attendance Concerns

Parents are reminded to call in daily absences to the Attendance Office at 330-872-0905. Failure to notify the school of a child's absence will result in the absence being declared "unexcused." Unexcused absences may result in the child not receiving academic credit. If the absence is extended beyond one day, it is best to provide us with that information. Our school system sends out a daily notification to parents if their child is reported absent at the start of the school day. This call is placed to the home after 10:00 AM.
Rachael Rankin
JH/HS Principal
Mrs. Rachael Rankin

Robert Bauman
JH/HS Assistant Principal
Mr. Robert Bauman

Lynn Thiry
High School Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lynn Thiry

Gina Bever
Jr. High School Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Gina Bever

Grade Levels:
JH 7-8, HS 9-12
7:10 AM - Building Opens
7:35 AM - Tardy
2:30 PM - Dismissal

Newton Falls High School
907 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444

Newton Falls Jr. High School
907 1/2 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444

HS Office: 330-872-5121
HS Fax: 330-872-5013

JH Office: 330-872-0905
Attendance: 330-872-0906
JH Fax: 330-872-5013

Junior High/High School

JHHS 4th Quarter Honor Roll

Click here to see the 4th Quarter Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance awards!

Newton Falls High School Philosophy

Newton Falls Junior High and High School Mission Statement:

The staff of Newton Falls High School firmly believes in the development of the whole child, affording all necessary experiences in the physical, mental, social, and emotional life to enable the child to become a well-adjusted individual in our society.

The staff of Newton Falls High School works diligently to establish a collaborative culture with standards-focused instruction, assessment, and data analysis to improve student achievement. They continuously strive to create/sustain/increase student and parent engagement. Furthermore, it is the focus of our staff to continue to help build a positive culture and climate through Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS), relationship-building, and effective communication.

News and Announcements

New Website

Make sure you've updated your bookmarks and are going to our new website at this link.

JHHS Student Handbook

For information about the Junior High/High School's Code of Conduct, Dress Code, Discipline Procedures, Grading Procedures, Student Use of Technology, Use of Telephones, and more, go to District Code of Character, Conduct, and Support

Student Tardiness to School

Students are required to be at school on time. Students arriving to school tardy will be penalized after their third offense for an unexcused tardy. A student may be suspended when reaching the excessive number of tardiness. All excused tardiness are not penalized.

The Junior High/High School requires that parents provide the school with a written excuse for an early dismissal. Students will take the excuse to the Attendance Office (Junior High Office) when arriving at school and receive a slip to leave school at the appointed time. We ask that parents not arrive and request students be dismissed. It is a disruptive and timely issue for office personnel and teachers. No student will be dismissed during the last thirty minutes of the school day. In an emergency, please make a phone call informing us of your need to have your child dismissed.

Doors Open

The Junior High/High School opens its doors at 7:10 AM. Doors will be opened at 7:00 AM when the weather requires the students to come in from the rain, snow or extreme cold. Students will sit in the Commons-Cafeteria until 7:10 AM. Otherwise, the students will remain on the walkways until the entry bell sounds at 7:10 AM.

Newton Falls Fight Song

Go Newton Falls High
Fight for victory,
With your colors flying
We will cheer you all the time.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Go Newton Falls High
Fight for victory,
Spread far the fame of our fair name.
Go you Tigers! Win that game!


Newton Falls Alma Mater

To Newton Falls we stand and sing,
And praise to alma mater bring.
Ever will our thoughts to thee
Be pledged in love and loyalty.
Friendships true and memories dear
Will live throughout each coming year.
Fellowship within thy halls
Has bound our hearts to Newton Falls

Attendance Concerns

Parents are reminded to call in daily absences to the Attendance Office at 330-872-0905. Failure to notify the school of a child's absence will result in the absence being declared "unexcused." Unexcused absences may result in the child not receiving academic credit. If the absence is extended beyond one day, it is best to provide us with that information. Our school system sends out a daily notification to parents if their child is reported absent at the start of the school day. This call is placed to the home after 10:00 AM.
Rachael Rankin
JH/HS Principal
Mrs. Rachael Rankin

Robert Bauman
JH/HS Assistant Principal
Mr. Robert Bauman

Lynn Thiry
High School Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lynn Thiry

Gina Bever
Jr. High School Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Gina Bever

Grade Levels:
JH 7-8, HS 9-12
7:10 AM - Building Opens
7:35 AM - Tardy
2:30 PM - Dismissal

Newton Falls High School
907 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444

Newton Falls Jr. High School
907 1/2 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444

HS Office: 330-872-5121
HS Fax: 330-872-5013

JH Office: 330-872-0905
Attendance: 330-872-0906
JH Fax: 330-872-5013
