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Bus Routes
The current bus routes (updated on Friday, August 30th), are as follows:To see ELMS AM Bus Routes, go to ELMS AM Routes
To see JHHS AM Bus Routes, go to JHHS AM Routes
To see ELMS PM Bus Routes, go to ELMS PM Routes
To see JHHS PM Bus Routes, go to JHHS PM Routes
For the newest Transportation update, go to Transportation Update
The Newton Falls School District is pleased to be transporting your child(ren) to and from school this year. We are very proud of the safety record of the Transportation Department and the professionalism of the transportation staff and drivers.Safety comes first in our daily operations so it is important that bus drivers do not have any excessive distractions to work around. I would like to ask you to review the following rules with your student(s) if they will be utilizing School Bus Transportation so we can continue our record.
Should you have any concerns regarding the transportation operation, feel free to call 330-872-7295 extension 1032.
Please help your child learn the bus number of his or her bus.
Transportation Variation Request
An application must be filled out and submitted to the Transportation Office for approval and processing if your child is to be picked up or dropped off PERMANENTLY at an address other than their legal residence within the Newton Falls School District. Please allow THREE (3) school days to process the request from the time it is received by the Transportation Office. Availability of seats is on a first come, first served basis. The student will be transported to and from their alternate bus stop and/or home once this form is approved and processed. Please note that the student may be required to walk to a collection point. You MUST notify the Transportation Office at least TWO (2) days in advance to cancel this alternative transportation schedule. Your student will go back to being transported solely to and from home and school. The application is only good for the present school year. Please note that the variations will only be done on a weekly basis, except in emergency situations.The application form may be obtained at the Transportation Office or by going to Transportation Variance Form
Student Transportation Rules
Students being transported are under the authority of the school bus driver and of the Newton Falls Exempted Village School District. To promote student safety and well being, the following rules need to be followed:- Students are to sit only in their assigned seat.
- Students must only ride the bus to which they are assigned and only to/from their designated bus stop.
- No eating or drinking on the bus. (Medical reasons are permitted with a doctor's request)
- No electronic devices.
- No Pokémon or similar trading cards.
- Be at the bus stop and be ready for pick-up at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Stand at a safe distance, away from the curb or highway, and line up single file, facing the street when the bus approaches. (This is called a Place of Safety which by Ohio law will be designated by the school bus driver.)
- If you cross the street to board the bus, wait for the driver to give you the signal to cross the street when it is safe. Be sure to walk in front of the bus and at least ten feet away from it.
- Obey the driver's instructions and directions.
- Always use steps and handrails. Never crowd or push when getting on or off the bus.
- Always remain properly seated (inside the safety barrier) at all times while the bus is moving. Keep your seat on the seat, your back to the back of the seat, your feet on the floor, and your hands in your lap.
- Never stand except to exit the bus at your designated bus stop. Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
- Never throw anything on the bus or out of the bus window, or extend hands, arms, head, or objects through bus windows.
- Talk in normal tones; screaming and yelling are prohibited. No obscene, foul language or gestures will be tolerated. Students must remain silent at railroad crossings.
- Any behavior that jeopardizes the safety of the passengers or driver is prohibited. (ie. use of drugs, alcohol, exiting rear door, inflicting bodily harm, vandalism, littering)
Bus Disciplinary Action
Parental assistance in discussing appropriate and safe behaviors is appreciated. Unfortunately, failure to behave appropriately can result in loss of school bus privileges. The school bus driver is instructed to discipline the behavior, not the student. We use a progressive disciplining system.For significant or recurring problems, the disciplinary procedure will be as follows:
- Student is requested by driver to comply with the rules.
- Student and driver discuss the problem.
- Driver reports misbehavior to the principal and the principal takes one of the following actions:
- Principal and student discuss the problem and develop a plan to correct the behavior.
- The principal notifies the parents of the problem and of the possibility of forfeiting bus privilege.
- Student loses bus privileges for a specified number of days.
- Student forfeits bus privileges for the remainder of the school year.
Transportation Mission Statement
The Transportation Department's support role in the school district is to provide safe, comfortable, reliable, and timely student transportation to school, home from school, and to extra-curricular events. It is the primary goal of the school bus driver to provide a transportation environment in which students, staff, and parents feel secure. For those students who ride the bus, the driver and the bus are the first contact with the school district and can set the tone for the school day. This first contact should be a positive experience for both the student and the driver.Safety Procedures
The Newton Falls School District is pleased to be transporting your child(ren) to and from school. I am very proud of the safety record of my department and the professionalism of my transportation staff and drivers. Please help to ensure your child's safety by following these simple but important procedures:- Please provide your child with a backpack or a book bag. Loose papers or other items can be dangerous as your child gets on and off the bus.
- Check your child's clothing for the presence of long drawstrings or other dangling items. These items could get snagged in the bus door or on the handrail as your child gets on or off the bus. These items should be removed from clothing.
- To make your child more visible at the bus stop please have them wear bright colored clothing and consider purchasing backpacks with reflective material.
- Make sure your child arrives at their assigned bus stop at least five minutes before their scheduled pick-up time each day. Children who are late for the bus may panic and run after the bus or run into the roadway. Remind your child to wait for the bus safely, in an orderly fashion, and to stand back and away from the roadway. Behavior problems at the bus stop can create hazardous conditions for themselves and others.
- When the bus arrives and STOPS with red lights flashing, stop sign out, and door fully open, your child MUST wait for the bus driver's hand signal before boarding the bus. This is mandated by law for children who cross the street to board the bus and for those who board the bus on their residence side of the roadway. Children need to board the bus in a single file line, quickly, cautiously, and in an orderly fashion.
- Teach your child to sit quietly on the ride to and from school. Behavior problems could distract the bus driver and can result in a traffic accident.
Pickup and Drop Off Instructions
The Pickup Cross Over instructions and Drop Off Cross Over instructions are information for parents and students so that they may become familiar with the correct way to cross the street within the state laws of Ohio and to board and deboard the bus.To view the Pickup Cross Over instructions, go to Pickup Cross Over Instructions
To view the Drop Off Cross Over instructions, go to Drop Off Cross Over Instructions
To see frequently asked questions and their answers, go to Transportation FAQ
Middle School 4-5 Principal
Transportation Supervisor
Mr. John Crowder
Newton Falls Board of Education
909 1/2 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444
Phone: 330-872-7295 ext. 1032
Fax: 330-872-3351
Bus Routes
The current bus routes (updated on Friday, August 30th), are as follows:To see ELMS AM Bus Routes, go to ELMS AM Routes
To see JHHS AM Bus Routes, go to JHHS AM Routes
To see ELMS PM Bus Routes, go to ELMS PM Routes
To see JHHS PM Bus Routes, go to JHHS PM Routes
For the newest Transportation update, go to Transportation Update
The Newton Falls School District is pleased to be transporting your child(ren) to and from school this year. We are very proud of the safety record of the Transportation Department and the professionalism of the transportation staff and drivers.Safety comes first in our daily operations so it is important that bus drivers do not have any excessive distractions to work around. I would like to ask you to review the following rules with your student(s) if they will be utilizing School Bus Transportation so we can continue our record.
Should you have any concerns regarding the transportation operation, feel free to call 330-872-7295 extension 1032.
Please help your child learn the bus number of his or her bus.
Transportation Variation Request
An application must be filled out and submitted to the Transportation Office for approval and processing if your child is to be picked up or dropped off PERMANENTLY at an address other than their legal residence within the Newton Falls School District. Please allow THREE (3) school days to process the request from the time it is received by the Transportation Office. Availability of seats is on a first come, first served basis. The student will be transported to and from their alternate bus stop and/or home once this form is approved and processed. Please note that the student may be required to walk to a collection point. You MUST notify the Transportation Office at least TWO (2) days in advance to cancel this alternative transportation schedule. Your student will go back to being transported solely to and from home and school. The application is only good for the present school year. Please note that the variations will only be done on a weekly basis, except in emergency situations.The application form may be obtained at the Transportation Office or by going to Transportation Variance Form
Student Transportation Rules
Students being transported are under the authority of the school bus driver and of the Newton Falls Exempted Village School District. To promote student safety and well being, the following rules need to be followed:- Students are to sit only in their assigned seat.
- Students must only ride the bus to which they are assigned and only to/from their designated bus stop.
- No eating or drinking on the bus. (Medical reasons are permitted with a doctor's request)
- No electronic devices.
- No Pokémon or similar trading cards.
- Be at the bus stop and be ready for pick-up at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Stand at a safe distance, away from the curb or highway, and line up single file, facing the street when the bus approaches. (This is called a Place of Safety which by Ohio law will be designated by the school bus driver.)
- If you cross the street to board the bus, wait for the driver to give you the signal to cross the street when it is safe. Be sure to walk in front of the bus and at least ten feet away from it.
- Obey the driver's instructions and directions.
- Always use steps and handrails. Never crowd or push when getting on or off the bus.
- Always remain properly seated (inside the safety barrier) at all times while the bus is moving. Keep your seat on the seat, your back to the back of the seat, your feet on the floor, and your hands in your lap.
- Never stand except to exit the bus at your designated bus stop. Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
- Never throw anything on the bus or out of the bus window, or extend hands, arms, head, or objects through bus windows.
- Talk in normal tones; screaming and yelling are prohibited. No obscene, foul language or gestures will be tolerated. Students must remain silent at railroad crossings.
- Any behavior that jeopardizes the safety of the passengers or driver is prohibited. (ie. use of drugs, alcohol, exiting rear door, inflicting bodily harm, vandalism, littering)
Bus Disciplinary Action
Parental assistance in discussing appropriate and safe behaviors is appreciated. Unfortunately, failure to behave appropriately can result in loss of school bus privileges. The school bus driver is instructed to discipline the behavior, not the student. We use a progressive disciplining system.For significant or recurring problems, the disciplinary procedure will be as follows:
- Student is requested by driver to comply with the rules.
- Student and driver discuss the problem.
- Driver reports misbehavior to the principal and the principal takes one of the following actions:
- Principal and student discuss the problem and develop a plan to correct the behavior.
- The principal notifies the parents of the problem and of the possibility of forfeiting bus privilege.
- Student loses bus privileges for a specified number of days.
- Student forfeits bus privileges for the remainder of the school year.
Transportation Mission Statement
The Transportation Department's support role in the school district is to provide safe, comfortable, reliable, and timely student transportation to school, home from school, and to extra-curricular events. It is the primary goal of the school bus driver to provide a transportation environment in which students, staff, and parents feel secure. For those students who ride the bus, the driver and the bus are the first contact with the school district and can set the tone for the school day. This first contact should be a positive experience for both the student and the driver.Safety Procedures
The Newton Falls School District is pleased to be transporting your child(ren) to and from school. I am very proud of the safety record of my department and the professionalism of my transportation staff and drivers. Please help to ensure your child's safety by following these simple but important procedures:- Please provide your child with a backpack or a book bag. Loose papers or other items can be dangerous as your child gets on and off the bus.
- Check your child's clothing for the presence of long drawstrings or other dangling items. These items could get snagged in the bus door or on the handrail as your child gets on or off the bus. These items should be removed from clothing.
- To make your child more visible at the bus stop please have them wear bright colored clothing and consider purchasing backpacks with reflective material.
- Make sure your child arrives at their assigned bus stop at least five minutes before their scheduled pick-up time each day. Children who are late for the bus may panic and run after the bus or run into the roadway. Remind your child to wait for the bus safely, in an orderly fashion, and to stand back and away from the roadway. Behavior problems at the bus stop can create hazardous conditions for themselves and others.
- When the bus arrives and STOPS with red lights flashing, stop sign out, and door fully open, your child MUST wait for the bus driver's hand signal before boarding the bus. This is mandated by law for children who cross the street to board the bus and for those who board the bus on their residence side of the roadway. Children need to board the bus in a single file line, quickly, cautiously, and in an orderly fashion.
- Teach your child to sit quietly on the ride to and from school. Behavior problems could distract the bus driver and can result in a traffic accident.
Pickup and Drop Off Instructions
The Pickup Cross Over instructions and Drop Off Cross Over instructions are information for parents and students so that they may become familiar with the correct way to cross the street within the state laws of Ohio and to board and deboard the bus.To view the Pickup Cross Over instructions, go to Pickup Cross Over Instructions
To view the Drop Off Cross Over instructions, go to Drop Off Cross Over Instructions
To see frequently asked questions and their answers, go to Transportation FAQ
Middle School 4-5 Principal
Transportation Supervisor
Mr. John Crowder
Newton Falls Board of Education
909 1/2 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444
Phone: 330-872-7295 ext. 1032
Fax: 330-872-3351