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Third Grade Reading Guarantee
The ability to read is the foundation of learning. Research shows that children who are not reading at a third-grade level by the end of grade three are likely to have trouble learning in all classroom subjects in higher grades. Struggling readers greatly benefit from their families' involvement and help at home. The following links will give you the information and tools you need.
To learn more about the Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee, go to Third Grade Reading Guarantee Information
To see the Third Grade Reading Guarantee Parent Roadmap, go to TGRG Parent Roadmap
Go here for the Parent Guide to Student Success
Go here for the ODE Third Grade Reading Guarantee Family Resources
To learn more about the Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee, go to Third Grade Reading Guarantee Information
To see the Third Grade Reading Guarantee Parent Roadmap, go to TGRG Parent Roadmap
Go here for the Parent Guide to Student Success
Go here for the ODE Third Grade Reading Guarantee Family Resources

Elementary School K-3 Principal
Director of Special Services
Mrs. Lori Witt

Middle School 4-5 Principal
Transportation Supervisor
Mr. John Crowder

EL/MS Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Molly Howard

EL/MS Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Rhenea Shablesky
Grades: K-5
8:30 AM - Bus/Parent drop off
8:40 AM - Tardy Bell
3:15 PM Student Pick-up/Sign Out
3:30 PM - Buses Depart
Newton Falls Elementary/Middle School
905 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, OH 44444
Phone: 330-872-0695
Attendance: 330-872-0695 ext. 1055
Fax: 330-872-8327
Third Grade Reading Guarantee
The ability to read is the foundation of learning. Research shows that children who are not reading at a third-grade level by the end of grade three are likely to have trouble learning in all classroom subjects in higher grades. Struggling readers greatly benefit from their families' involvement and help at home. The following links will give you the information and tools you need.
To learn more about the Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee, go to Third Grade Reading Guarantee Information
To see the Third Grade Reading Guarantee Parent Roadmap, go to TGRG Parent Roadmap
Go here for the Parent Guide to Student Success
Go here for the ODE Third Grade Reading Guarantee Family Resources
To learn more about the Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee, go to Third Grade Reading Guarantee Information
To see the Third Grade Reading Guarantee Parent Roadmap, go to TGRG Parent Roadmap
Go here for the Parent Guide to Student Success
Go here for the ODE Third Grade Reading Guarantee Family Resources

Elementary School K-3 Principal
Director of Special Services
Mrs. Lori Witt

Middle School 4-5 Principal
Transportation Supervisor
Mr. John Crowder

EL/MS Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Molly Howard

EL/MS Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Rhenea Shablesky
Grades: K-5
8:30 AM - Bus/Parent drop off
8:40 AM - Tardy Bell
3:15 PM Student Pick-up/Sign Out
3:30 PM - Buses Depart
Newton Falls Elementary/Middle School
905 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, OH 44444
Phone: 330-872-0695
Attendance: 330-872-0695 ext. 1055
Fax: 330-872-8327