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Special Services
Invitation for Public Suggestions and Comments on the use of Supplemental Federal and State Funding
Each year the Newton Falls School District is provided funds through the state and federal educational agencies that are utilized to supplement and support regular and special education programs. These funds are provided under various federal programs for specific uses. Some of the resources are targeted to provide services for children who may have experienced the effects of limited environmental and developmental opportunities. The focus is supplementing and enriching their educational curriculum through specialized reading and math programs. Other funds encourage innovative and supportive learning in the schools. There are also programs provided to supplement our efforts for children with disabilities. Funding has added educational materials, media center equipment, technological classroom supports, educational resources, and software supplies.The community is invited to offer suggestions for the use of these funds so that services are of value to our children. Suggestions and comments may be submitted to Lori Witt, Director of Special Services, at 330-872-0909 ext. 1006, or to Mr. Justin Christopher, Superintendent of Schools, at 330-872-5445.
District Spending Plans for Title and IDEA Funding
The following document includes district spending plans for federal dollars it receives through Title and IDEA funding.IDEA B Special Education funds as well as IDEA ARP funds, awarded due to the pandemic to provide additional resources to close learning gaps, are awarded to school districts to supplement the education for students with disabilities and cannot be used to supplant district financial responsibilities. The financial responsibility of the district is tracked through a measure referred to as Maintenance of Effort (MOE) to assure a district does not cut back resources serving students with disabilities.
To view the The Ohio Medicaid School Program, go to Federal Programs Presentation
Parental Consent to Access Public Benefits (Medicaid)
The Newton Falls School District has the opportunity to receive Federal Medicaid dollars through a program called the Ohio Medicaid School Program (MSP). Through this program, school districts can receive Medicaid dollars for services such as Speech, Audiology, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Psychology, Counseling, and Social Work services. The district can receive funding when a student receives one or more of these services and the student has current Medicaid insurance coverage. In the process of billing Medicaid for these services, certain billing information must be shared with the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. Before the district can submit claim data for Medicaid billing purposes, we must first obtain a signed Parental Consent to Share Information and Access Medicaid.To view the Notice of Parent/Guardian Rights Parental Consent to Access Public Benefits (Medicaid), go to Parental Consent to Access Public Benefits
Programs For Students with Disabilities
Copies of Policies IGBA and IGBA-R Program for Students with Disabilities are available during regular business hours at the Superintendent’s Office, 909 1/2 Milton Blvd., Newton Falls, OH.Search for Children with Disabilities
School districts throughout Ohio are participating in an effort to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities from birth to age 21, who may be in need of special education programs or services or accommodations under Section 504 of the American with Disabilities Act. Many children with disabilities are not visible because they do not function In the mainstream of the community.For children birth to three, a disability means an established condition known to result in delay or a documented developmental delay for children ages three through twenty-two.
A disability means that a student has been identified as having one or more of the following conditions: multiple disabilities, deaf-blindness, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech language impairment, orthopedic impairment, emotional disturbance, cognitive disability, specific learning disability, autism, traumatic brain injury, or other health impairment.
The Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools offer evaluation and education for all children with suspected disabilities from age 3 through age 21, for children attending both public and private schools within the district. We will also help link families to services for children under 3.
If you know of a child suspected of having a handicapping condition in Newton Falls, please contact the Special Services Office, Lori Witt, Director of Special Services, at (330) 872-0909.
Resources and Links

Elementary School K-3 Principal
Director of Special Services
Mrs. Lori Witt

Speech Pathologist
Mrs. Tarah Holesko

Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Nancy Thomas

Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Debra Radcliffe
Special Services
Newton Falls Board of Education
909 1/2 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, OH 44444
Phone: 330-872-0909
Fax: 330-872-8327
Special Services
Invitation for Public Suggestions and Comments on the use of Supplemental Federal and State Funding
Each year the Newton Falls School District is provided funds through the state and federal educational agencies that are utilized to supplement and support regular and special education programs. These funds are provided under various federal programs for specific uses. Some of the resources are targeted to provide services for children who may have experienced the effects of limited environmental and developmental opportunities. The focus is supplementing and enriching their educational curriculum through specialized reading and math programs. Other funds encourage innovative and supportive learning in the schools. There are also programs provided to supplement our efforts for children with disabilities. Funding has added educational materials, media center equipment, technological classroom supports, educational resources, and software supplies.The community is invited to offer suggestions for the use of these funds so that services are of value to our children. Suggestions and comments may be submitted to Lori Witt, Director of Special Services, at 330-872-0909 ext. 1006, or to Mr. Justin Christopher, Superintendent of Schools, at 330-872-5445.
District Spending Plans for Title and IDEA Funding
The following document includes district spending plans for federal dollars it receives through Title and IDEA funding.IDEA B Special Education funds as well as IDEA ARP funds, awarded due to the pandemic to provide additional resources to close learning gaps, are awarded to school districts to supplement the education for students with disabilities and cannot be used to supplant district financial responsibilities. The financial responsibility of the district is tracked through a measure referred to as Maintenance of Effort (MOE) to assure a district does not cut back resources serving students with disabilities.
To view the The Ohio Medicaid School Program, go to Federal Programs Presentation
Parental Consent to Access Public Benefits (Medicaid)
The Newton Falls School District has the opportunity to receive Federal Medicaid dollars through a program called the Ohio Medicaid School Program (MSP). Through this program, school districts can receive Medicaid dollars for services such as Speech, Audiology, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Psychology, Counseling, and Social Work services. The district can receive funding when a student receives one or more of these services and the student has current Medicaid insurance coverage. In the process of billing Medicaid for these services, certain billing information must be shared with the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. Before the district can submit claim data for Medicaid billing purposes, we must first obtain a signed Parental Consent to Share Information and Access Medicaid.To view the Notice of Parent/Guardian Rights Parental Consent to Access Public Benefits (Medicaid), go to Parental Consent to Access Public Benefits
Programs For Students with Disabilities
Copies of Policies IGBA and IGBA-R Program for Students with Disabilities are available during regular business hours at the Superintendent’s Office, 909 1/2 Milton Blvd., Newton Falls, OH.Search for Children with Disabilities
School districts throughout Ohio are participating in an effort to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities from birth to age 21, who may be in need of special education programs or services or accommodations under Section 504 of the American with Disabilities Act. Many children with disabilities are not visible because they do not function In the mainstream of the community.For children birth to three, a disability means an established condition known to result in delay or a documented developmental delay for children ages three through twenty-two.
A disability means that a student has been identified as having one or more of the following conditions: multiple disabilities, deaf-blindness, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech language impairment, orthopedic impairment, emotional disturbance, cognitive disability, specific learning disability, autism, traumatic brain injury, or other health impairment.
The Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools offer evaluation and education for all children with suspected disabilities from age 3 through age 21, for children attending both public and private schools within the district. We will also help link families to services for children under 3.
If you know of a child suspected of having a handicapping condition in Newton Falls, please contact the Special Services Office, Lori Witt, Director of Special Services, at (330) 872-0909.
Resources and Links

Elementary School K-3 Principal
Director of Special Services
Mrs. Lori Witt

Speech Pathologist
Mrs. Tarah Holesko

Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Nancy Thomas

Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Debra Radcliffe
Special Services
Newton Falls Board of Education
909 1/2 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, OH 44444
Phone: 330-872-0909
Fax: 330-872-8327